Instructions on how to choose glasses that suit your face – Helios Jewels

Instructions on how to choose glasses that suit your face

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Choosing glasses not only requires health factors for the wearer but also needs to ensure aesthetics. Let Helios tell you how to choose glasses that suit your face and skin color in the article below.

How to determine your face shape

To determine your face shape, first pull all your hair back, or use hair gel to slick it all back. Next, look straight into the mirror, look at your entire face, and pay attention to the lines on your face, forehead, and chin:

Oval face

This is a face with balanced proportions and is considered the ideal face compared to other faces, often leaving a good impression on the other person.

Oval face

Oval faces are oval or elliptical in shape:

  • The angle between the jawbone and chin should form an ellipse, unlike a V-line face which usually forms a V.
  • Cheekbones are not too high, not too low.
  • The three parts of the face (forehead, middle and lower jaw) are balanced, the chin bone is not protruding.

Heart shaped face

The lines on a heart-shaped face work together harmoniously and bring high aesthetics to the entire face. This is a face that often has a charming beauty as well as attracts all eyes from people around.

Heart shaped face

A heart-shaped face looks like an upside-down egg, specifically the forehead is slightly wide but the lower the chin, the smaller the face.

Diamond Face

If the points on the diamond face are in harmony with each other, it will not become a disadvantage and vice versa. The number of people who own this type of face is not very popular.

Diamond Face

Diamond shaped face has the following features:

  • Cheekbones look wide and slightly high.
  • Forehead, pointed and neat chin

oblong face

This face shape appears long, usually with the width equal to the width of the cheekbones. Additionally, the forehead and jawline are often round, or horizontal like the length of a rectangle.

Square face

Square faces usually have a jaw that is as wide or as wide as the cheekbones. Additionally, the forehead is quite wide. In other words, the width and length of the face are almost the same ratio.

Square face

Triangular face

The triangular face shape has a narrow forehead, while the cheeks and chin get wider as they go down.

Round face

Round faces are easy to recognize, the line from the hairline to the chin is usually the same width as the cheekbones. The face has almost no angles, the forehead and jawline are rounded.

Round face

See also:

How to choose glasses that suit your face

After determining your face shape, you can immediately choose the right glasses style for you with the suggestions below:

Glasses for oval faces

To maintain the balance of this face shape, look for frames that are as wide or wider than the widest part of your oval face. For example, walnut frames are horizontal.

Glasses for oval faces

Glasses for heart shaped faces

To reduce the width of the upper part of your heart-shaped face, choose glasses with frames (the lower frame) that look wider.

For example, thin, rimless frames with light colors will be the most suitable type of lenses.

Glasses for diamond face

To soften your cheekbones and highlight your eyes, try choosing frames with a unique pattern.

Rimless, oval or cat-eye frames are good choices for those with diamond-shaped faces.

Glasses suitable for long face

To create a sense of shortening and balancing a long face, you need to choose glasses with frames that show more depth than choosing glasses with width. In addition, the frames can be patterned and the temples should be wide.

Glasses suitable for long face

Glasses for square faces

To make a square face look longer and show softer lines, you should choose glasses with wide frames, or flat oval frames.

Glasses for square faces

Glasses for round faces

To balance a round face, you should choose glasses with narrow angles to create the feeling of lengthening the face. The frame should be square and the connection between the two frames should be wider than the thickness.

Glasses for round faces

Glasses for triangular faces

To counteract the narrowness of your forehead and accentuate your triangular face, try frames that are colorful and have a pattern on the top half of the frame, or have some thickness to create an accent. For example, cat-eye glasses are also a good choice!

How to choose glasses that suit your skin

To make your glasses look better when worn, you should not only pay attention to choosing glasses that suit your face but also pay attention to your skin color.

Regardless of your skin color, skin tones are generally divided into two tones: cool and warm.

  • Cool skin tone : usually has pink, blue undertones. Olive skin tone is a mixture of green and yellow.

How to choose glasses that suit your skin

Cool skin tones should choose glasses in black, silver, pinkish brown, grayish blue, blue, bright red, jade, pink, plum, and dark amber.

  • Warm skin tone: usually peach-cream, yellow.

For people with this skin tone, try choosing glasses that have tones of gold, copper, orange, peach, coral, off-white, tortoise gold, warm red and bright red.

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