Should I wear glasses when sitting in front of the computer if I am ne – Helios Jewels

Should I wear glasses when sitting in front of the computer if I am nearsighted?

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For many people, especially those who work regularly with computers such as office workers, accountants, programmers, and designers, wearing non-prescription glasses to protect their eyes has become a habit. But is this habit really beneficial to your eye health? Should you maintain this habit every time you work?

The following article by Helios will provide accurate information about whether or not nearsighted people should wear glasses when sitting in front of a computer .

Why do we need glasses for computer use?

Many jobs today involve digital screens, so it’s important to take care of your eyes. Staring at a screen for long periods of time can cause blurred vision, eye strain, and other symptoms collectively known as computer vision syndrome (CVS).

Why do we need glasses for computer use?

Research shows that 75-90% of computer users suffer from digital eye strain. Therefore, protecting your eyes is essential to help reduce the risk of future vision problems. One of the most effective solutions is to choose protective eyewear when using a computer.

See more: How to wear glasses properly

The harmful effects computer screens can cause to the eyes

According to research and statistics, on average, a person spends about 7 hours a day using devices equipped with digital screens, but you may not know that just 2 hours of continuous computer screen viewing can cause eye strain. Continuous or long-term screen viewing without proper adjustments can cause many eye problems including:

  • Blurred vision
  • Tired
  • Headache
  • Red / irritated eyes
  • Eye strain
  • Dry eyes

The harmful effects computer screens can cause to the eyes

What are the solutions for digital eye strain?

The quickest way is to stop using screens, but that’s impossible for most people. Many jobs require constant use of computers or even phones, which means it’s hard to completely cut out electronic devices from our daily lives.

What are the solutions for digital eye strain?

With the development of technology, there are now many new types of lenses that help protect the eyes from the harmful effects of screens, called Computer Eye Protection. Combining the use of specialized eyewear and taking steps to reduce the risk of eye strain can help prevent many eye problems in the digital age.

How to reduce digital eye strain?

Eye strain is not only caused by excessive screen use, but also by prolonged exposure to low-light conditions. Here are some tips to help reduce eye strain:

  • Check ambient light - Eye strain can be caused by indoor or window lighting. Close the blinds when possible and turn your computer screen to the side, rather than directly in front of or behind the light source. Overhead fluorescent lighting can also cause eye strain for many office workers, but halogen incandescent or indirect lighting is more beneficial for eye health.
  • Arrange the working corner properly - Your screen should be at least arm's length away from your face, and at eye level.

How to reduce digital eye strain?

  • Adjust your screen display settings - The brightness of your screen should be equal to the space around you. Make sure the font size is comfortable, and zoom in when necessary to avoid eye strain.
  • Do eye exercises - Blink often (moisten your eyes), take frequent breaks, and look away from your screen. An easy rule to remember is the 20-20-20 Rule: After every 20 minutes of screen time, take a break and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  • Protect your eyes - Use specialized computer glasses to help relax your eyes and block harmful blue light emitted from the screen.
  • Regular eye check-ups - schedule an eye exam with Visit your local optometrist every 6-12 months to check and detect eye diseases early, and get expert advice on how to better care for your eyes in addition to regular use of computer screens.

The above article has answered all the information related to whether or not to wear glasses when using a computer. I hope readers understand the causes and effective ways to protect their eyesight!

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