How to regain positive energy when facing difficulties – Helios Jewels

How to regain positive energy when facing difficulties

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In life, we cannot avoid sad and negative moments. Those times will probably be the times that we will always remember the most in our lives. As humans, although we know that we always need to aim for positivity, sometimes there are unexpected things that make us collapse both physically and mentally. So what should we do to regain positive energy and optimism to overcome difficulties and challenges in life? Let's find out together in today's article!

Positive thinking is a psychological and emotional state that directs people to focus on good things and expect the most positive results. To build a positive attitude, we must always direct ourselves to thoughts, emotions, and expectations of blessings (happiness, health, career) and you need to have a strong belief that even though things and circumstances are currently facing difficulties and obstacles, in the end everything will be fine in the way that the universe has arranged a path for you.

How you regain positive energy

No matter what life throws at you, you need to keep your inner optimism. The important thing is to ignore what is happening, but we will acknowledge that bad thing, acknowledge it and go through it by looking at things from a more positive perspective. Arouse your own positive mind, your love and faith will be rewarded.

How to regain positive energy

Living positively and optimistically is not easy. Although we understand that when difficulties come, we need to recognize obstacles, accept them and maintain our optimistic beliefs about life. However, the obstacle here is the veil of ignorance when difficulties occur, they cause loss of energy, lack of confidence, become bored and miserable, lack of vitality. From there, your positivity begins to decline, you are easily attacked by negative chains, they take away your energy, you easily fall into a state of losing control.

And to have enough positive energy when facing life's events, learn ways to help you regain your positive, optimistic energy.

Enjoy nature

Nature has an endless source of healing energy. When you step into nature, you will feel more peaceful, comfortable, joyful and happy. Spend a lot of time walking in the morning sunlight, cool streams, breathing fresh air….

Enjoy nature

Enjoying nature has also been studied by many psychologists. They say that when people experience psychological instability, communicating with nature will help reduce stress, improve memory, and bring abundant vitality, optimism, and love for life.

Take care of your spiritual life

We usually only care about physical and mental health, eating nutritious food, exercising, getting enough sleep, doing everything for a good mental and physical health. However, we forget to take care of our spiritual garden, this is a very good factor to take care of mental health and nurture positivity. Spend a lot of time taking care of your spiritual garden, body-mind-spirit are the top goals for a high quality of life.

Buy Feng Shui accessories to help relieve stress

You can participate in spiritual activities that uplift your spirit and help calm your mind such as: meditation, prayer, reading scriptures, participating in retreat activities to connect with your self, nature, etc.

In addition, you can buy feng shui accessories such as rings, necklaces, bracelets with spiritual designs that have positive meanings, helping to improve your spirit and bring convenience in work and life.

Live in gratitude

Gratitude will bring you the most positive energy. Live in gratitude and cherish everything that comes into your life and always believe that these are the best and most important things in your journey of spiritual development. Every difficulty is also a challenge to help us become more mature, more confident, and more successful.

Live in gratitude

When you practice gratitude, the universe will bring you many wonderful experiences as the faith you have. Living in gratitude, you will always feel happy, blissful and fulfilled, feelings of sadness, suffering, despair will not exist in parallel when you are grateful for life.

Know how to rest and relax your mind

Life can be tiring at times, and exhaustion is the killer of positivity. Give yourself permission to rest, relax both mentally and physically, no matter how bad things are. Do something to give your mind a break, sometimes it’s as simple as a good night’s sleep.

Always smile

Laughter is always the best medicine, it helps people become refreshed, happy, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, quickly improve mood, and eliminate depression in the heart. Find many opportunities to smile. You can watch comedies, meet crazy friends, play games that make you happy.

Always smile


Walking is considered one of the effective ways to relieve sadness. When walking, nerve cells are activated, helping you calm your inner senses, making you feel more relaxed and relieved.

Find new opportunities in difficulties now and always

Being in trouble is not necessarily your biggest risk, although we understand that if we try to be positive when we are negative it will not be effective. However, we can train ourselves to learn lessons through that event and change our perspective, perhaps it will help you find opportunities to change.

Take a deep breath

Deep breathing is also a great way to regulate and balance your emotions in difficult situations. Breathing exercises help you enjoy the fresh air, expand your lungs and make your brain clearer and more refreshed, especially in difficult times, a clear thought can change everything.

Take a deep breath

Know how to encourage yourself, celebrate even small successes.

Celebrating even small successes is a way to encourage yourself, knowing how to recognize yourself will help you become more confident. Celebrating also makes you happy, joyful and proud of yourself. This is a good way to acknowledge and not let negativity have a chance to enter your life.

The above are ways that will help you release negative emotions, bring freshness and different perspectives to help you always be happy, happy and find your purpose in life. Always keep a positive, optimistic attitude because life has many wonderful things.

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