Instructions for measuring ring size based on weight and height accurately – Helios Jewels

Instructions for measuring ring size based on weight and height accurately

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Measuring ring size based on weight and height is the way to estimate to find the right ring size for the finger you want to wear the ring. In this article, Helios will reveal to you how to choose a ring as a suitable gift for that person!

Why do you need to measure ring size?

Measuring ring size is the process of finding the exact measurement of the finger you need to wear the ring on, to choose the appropriate ring size. Measuring ring size is often done when you need to wear jewelry rings, couples in love buy a pair of rings or prepare wedding rings.

Gothic Malachite Helios Silver - Why do you need to measure your ring size?

Therefore, knowing how to measure ring size for girls or how to measure ring size for men is something you should know. So, here is how to measure ring size according to weight, height and some other ways to choose ring size that you can refer to.

Popular ring size chart in Vietnam

In Vietnam, women's ring size charts and men's ring size charts are often used interchangeably. However, some reputable big brands may have their own ring sizes, so if you want to buy rings from different big brands, you should refer to the ring size before ordering! Below is a chart of women's ring sizes and a chart of popular men's ring sizes in Vietnam for your reference:

Ring size chart by weight

Note: When measuring ring size, measure inside the ring for accuracy.

How to measure ring size by weight and height

If you want to choose a ring to give to your partner in a secret way, estimating the ring size based on weight and height is also a feasible solution to help you find a ring that fits the recipient's finger.

Below is a common ring size chart based on height and weight for men and women:

Ring finger size Middle finger ring size Index finger ring size
Male 160cm tall, 45kg 14 15 16
Male 165cm tall, 50kg
14 16 17
Male 170cm tall, 70kg 15 18 19
Male 170cm tall, 60kg 16 18 19
Male 175cm tall, 70kg 18 20 21
Male 180cm tall, 80kg 19 22 23
Female, 150cm tall, 40kg in weight 7 9 10
Female, 150cm tall, 45kg 8 10 11
Female, 155cm tall, 45kg 9 11 12
Female, 160cm tall, 50kg in weight 11 13 14
Female, 165cm tall, 60kg 13 15 17
Female, 170cm tall, 65kg 14 16 17

Some other ways to choose ring size

Choosing the right ring size is an important factor to ensure comfort and fit when wearing. In this article, we will guide you through each method in detail so that you can choose the right method.

Choose ring size by circumference - Measure with a piece of paper

Choosing the ring size according to the circumference of the paper is also the traditional way to measure ring size that people often use. To measure ring size this way, you need to do the following:

Prepare: a sheet of paper, a pair of scissors, a ballpoint pen, a ruler.

How to do:

Step 1: Use scissors to cut a piece of paper 1cm wide and 10cm long.

Choose ring size by circumference

Step 2: Then use the cut paper to wrap around the ring finger so that it fits.

Choose ring size by circumference

Step 3: Use a ballpoint pen to mark the joint position of the paper.

Choose ring size by circumference

Step 4: Remove the piece of paper, use a ruler to measure the length of the paper to the point just marked.

Choose ring size by circumference

Step 5: Compare with the ring size chart to find the ring that fits the finger you just measured.

Compare with the ring size chart by weight

In addition to using paper, you can use a tape measure or thread to measure ring size by circumference.

Measure ring size with available ring

If you are afraid to measure your ring using the above methods, you can easily measure your ring size at home using an available ring.

Preparation : 1 ring you are wearing, 1 ruler with distance measurement

How to do:

  • Step 1: Place the ring on a flat surface.
  • Step 2: Place the ruler level on top of the ring in the middle and check the inside diameter measurement of the ring.
  • Step 3: Compare the measured size and check the appropriate ring size chart.

Note: with this method you need to find the symmetrical point on the ring to measure most accurately.

Notes when measuring ring size

When choosing a ring, measuring the correct size is important to ensure comfort and fit. Refer to some notes after you wear the ring size.

Note about weather temperature

According to the physical mechanism and temperature, heat expands and cold contracts, so if you measure the size of a female or male ring in hot weather, you should subtract 1mm and in cold weather, you should add 1mm when measuring the ring size.

Ring thickness

Ring size also depends on the thickness of the ring. Normally, if the ring is thick, you should add 1 size, or if the ring is thin, you should subtract a few millimeters to estimate the appropriate ring size.

Signet Ring Dial Helios Silver - How to Measure Ring Size

Finger joints  

Normally, when measuring ring size, the ring is measured at the flesh of the hand. However, in some cases, the hand is thin and slender but the knuckle is larger than the flesh of the ring. Therefore, when choosing a ring size, you should choose a ring that fits the entire knuckle!

Helios - Jewelry brand, handmade silver rings with personality and style

Are you looking for a unique, stylish and individual silver ring for men? Helios - the leading prestigious men's jewelry brand is the ideal destination for you! With many years of experience in providing men's fashion accessories, He l ios has affirmed its position in the market thanks to its diverse designs, good product quality and professional customer care service.

Helios - Jewelry Brand

Coming to Helios , you will be overwhelmed by the countless choices of rich men's jewelry accessories, from bracelets, necklaces, earrings to men's silver rings . Each product is exquisitely and meticulously crafted from high-quality materials, giving the wearer a luxurious, classy look and attracting all eyes.

Helios has 4 offline stores nationwide:

In Hanoi:

  • 4/104 Le Thanh Nghi, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
  • 672 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi

In Ho Chi Minh:

  • 371 Ba Hat, Ward 4, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
  • The New Playground Le Lai (opposite, 90 Le Lai Street) District 1, HCMC

Hopefully, with the information shared about how to measure ring size according to weight in the above article of Helios, it can provide you with more useful information and help you choose a ring that fits your finger size!

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