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What kind of earrings should I wear if I have big ears?

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Earrings are always an accessory to match different styles, but what kind of earrings should you wear with big ears ? In the content of the article below, Helios will help you answer this question, please follow along.

Earrings suitable for people with big ears

People with big ears should choose suitable earrings ? This is a question that many people are interested in. Below are some types of earrings suitable for people with big ears that you can choose from:

Large stud earrings

If you have big ears, small earrings will be overshadowed on your ears, so the only way is to wear stud earrings with gemstones, which will definitely highlight your ears. However, you should not choose earrings with gemstones that are too big, because it will make your ears look bigger and heavier.

What kind of earrings should I wear if I have big ears?

Lobe Huggers

This is a type of earring that hugs the earlobe, giving your earlobes a well-protected feel, while also creating the illusion of smaller ears and helping to express the wearer's personality.

What kind of earrings should I wear if my ears are big?

Half circle earrings

This is a unique, eye-catching earring model that many people choose and this is also the perfect earring model for those who have large ears. Because the semi-circular part of the earring will help cover a large part of your earlobes. At the same time, wearing this earring model will help attract the attention of people around.

What kind of earrings should I wear if my ears are big?

Double circle earrings

If you love round earrings but want to try a more individual style, you can choose double round earrings. When wearing earrings with two circles suspended below the ear, it will help your ear lobes look less large and more attractive.

Double circle earrings

Open Circle Ear Jacket Earrings

Perfect for those with large ears, this minimalist geometric earring features two open circles with one of the circles sitting on top of the earlobe, with the larger circle surrounding the smaller circle from behind. This earring will make the wearer’s ears appear smaller.

Important factors in choosing earrings for people with big ears

When looking to choose earrings for people with large ears, you also need to pay attention to the following important factors:

  • Size of earrings/earlobes: When choosing earrings for people with large ears, small earrings are not ideal. Because they will be lost on large ears, instead you should choose large earlobes to have a more balanced look for the ears.
  • Weight distribution: To keep your earlobes from stretching out, choose earrings with the right weight.
Important factors in choosing earrings for people with big ears
  • Earlobe coverage: Choose earrings that cover your earlobes and hug your entire earlobes, which will help make your ears appear less large.
  • Earring pins: You should choose bullet or disc shaped earring pins to have an extra layer of comfortable ear lining, making wearing the earrings more comfortable.
  • Materials used to make earrings: You should choose earrings made from materials such as silver, gold, titanium, etc. Avoid choosing earrings made from poor materials, because it can cause allergies, itching, and inflammation in your ears.

Where to buy earrings for big ears?

If you are looking to buy a pair of unique, high-quality earrings, you can choose Helios. When coming to Helios, customers will definitely witness carefully crafted earrings with a variety of eye-catching and novel designs. You will feel that it is completely worth the effort to buy at Helios.

Where to buy earrings for big ears?

In addition, when shopping at Helios, customers will also receive a warm welcome from a team of professional staff, and you will be consulted thoughtfully. Therefore, please visit Helios stores to buy products or if you still have questions that need to be answered, please call Helios hotline for more specific advice from the staff.

See also:

The above article is information shared about what kind of earrings should be worn with big ears, hopefully it can provide you with more useful information and through that, those of you with big ears can choose the right earrings for yourself.

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