Itchy Piercing Hole: Causes and Remedies – Helios Jewels

Itchy Piercing Hole: Causes and Remedies

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Earrings are an accessory that creates the personality of the wearer, but unfortunately when wearing earrings, it is itchy, even when removing the earrings, the wearing area continues to swell. However, there are quite a few people who do not understand the problem of itchy piercing holes and how to fix them, so please read the article below by Helios .

Warning about itchy piercing

According to experts, the condition of not wearing earrings for a long time causing swelling, pain, or itching is a phenomenon of allergic contact dermatitis (or atopic dermatitis) that affects about 20% of the population.

Warning about itchy earrings

Symptoms of itchy piercing:

  • Not wearing earrings for a long time causes swelling, rash, redness, itching and formation of tiny blisters.
  • If you don't wear earrings for a long time, your earlobes may hurt, bleed, crack, or become pus-filled.
  • Wearing earrings leaking gold
  • Ear piercing hole is leaking and itchy
  • Earring holes smell...

    There are many reasons why you experience pain when wearing earrings, itching when wearing earrings... let's find out the causes right below with Helios!

    Why does my piercing itch?

    There are many reasons that lead to itchy earrings such as allergies to earring materials, unclean earring, activities that cause damage and itching, ear piercing infection ... Below are some common reasons that lead to itchy earrings such as:

    Allergic to earring material

    Allergy to earring material can be the most common cause of itchy, red, swollen, pus-filled ears...

    Why do fake earrings itch, silver earrings itch because nowadays there are many earrings made from different materials, jewelry lines from cheap to expensive all contain a small amount of metal materials that can easily cause skin allergies such as copper or nickel, causing itching, allergies to your ears.

    Allergic to earring material

    Reaction when sweat reacts with metal

    Human body sweat contains a certain amount of salt and when it reacts with the metal in the earrings, it also creates a new substance that causes skin irritation and itching.

    Piercing infection

    This condition originates from unclean piercing hygiene, inappropriate diet when the wound has not healed, lying on the wound... The infected piercing will start with a tingling sensation at the wound. Then the piercing hole swells , the earring hole is itchy, pus and bleeding.

    See also: How to clean piercing holes

    Treatment and cure for itchy piercing

    How to wear earrings without itching if you have allergies, itching when wearing earrings, earrings? Below are two ways to deal with itchy earrings, please refer to:

    Treatment for itchy piercing

    When you see signs of an allergy such as: itchy ears, swelling, pain and pus in the ear, you should:

    • Step 1: Remove the earring immediately. Do not scratch, as this will make the allergic ear condition worse.
    • Step 2: Apply medication to treat atopic dermatitis such as hydrocortisone or antibiotic ointment.
    • Step 3: After that, you should see a dermatologist for examination and advice on proper treatment. Pay attention to using the medicine as directed by your doctor to help quickly cure the itchy earring condition.

    How to fix an itchy piercing

    • Clean earrings: If you do not use earrings for a long time, you should carefully store them in a jewelry box to avoid dust and bacteria. At the same time, before wearing them, you should wash the earrings with warm water and soap, dry them thoroughly and then wear them again.

    • Cleaning the piercing hole : If the piercing hole suddenly becomes itchy after a long time, it is possible that dead cells and dirt have blocked the piercing hole or the wound has not completely healed, causing the itching sensation. At this time, you just need to remove the ring and use warm water or saline to clean the piercing hole, this will help you stop itching.

    How to fix itchy earrings

    • Choose quality earrings : choose to buy earrings made from materials that are safe for the skin. Wearing gold or silver earrings S925 (sterling silver), platinum, medical steel will be safer for your ears instead of cheap jewelry containing many impurities of nickel - a substance that can easily cause skin allergies.

    • Limit wearing earrings : If you have sensitive skin, easily irritated, you should limit wearing earrings for long periods of time and at night because it will cause itchy ears. You should only wear them for short periods of time such as when going out, going to parties, birthdays, etc.

    • Prevent metal from contacting the skin : To prevent allergies when wearing earrings, use a protective layer such as powder, vaseline, ointment, coconut oil... on the ear area and on the piercing pin to prevent metal from contacting the skin.

    The above article is information shared about the problem of itchy piercing holes . Hopefully, this article can help you determine the cause of the itching and have a timely treatment method.

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