Does S925 silver turn black: Causes and solutions – Helios Jewels

Does S925 silver turn black: Causes and solutions

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S925 silver, also known as Sterling silver, is a popular material in jewelry making and other precious metal products. Although S925 silver is famous for its durability and high aesthetics, one of the things that many people are concerned about is whether S925 silver turns black ? In the article below by Helios, let's find out whether S925 silver really turns black, how to prevent and solve this problem.

Answer: Does S925 silver turn black?

Pure silver is difficult to oxidize under normal conditions. However, silver alloys, such as S925 silver, are not. S925 silver turns black because silver (Ag) reacts with sulfur (S) to form silver sulfide (Ag2S).

Silver sulfide is a dark gray solid that adheres to the surface of silver, causing the silver to lose its shine and become dull black. Sulfur-containing substances can be found in the air, hot springs, and especially in human sweat. Therefore, S925 silver will also turn black and tarnish similar to pure silver after a long time of use.

Answer: Does s925 silver turn black?

However, you don't need to worry too much because there are many easy ways to brighten S925 silver, such as using dishwashing liquid, lemon, salt...

Reasons why s925 silver turns black

When using S925 silver, many people often encounter the situation where the surface of this material turns black over time. This often happens due to many different factors, including:

Silver is oxidized.

When exposed to air, S925 silver can oxidize, causing the surface to turn black or gray. Oxidation occurs due to the action of gases such as sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide in the surrounding environment.

Why does 925 silver turn black?

How to avoid:

  • Store S925 silver in an oxygen-proof bag or sealed container to reduce exposure to air.
  • Use a clean cloth to wipe clean after use to remove sweat and grease.

S925 silver turns black due to contact with chemicals

Contact with chemicals in the daily environment such as cosmetics, skin creams, chemicals in swimming pools... can also cause S925 silver to turn black. The way to prevent contact with chemicals is to avoid direct contact with chemicals, so remove jewelry when using these chemicals.

Silver Exposure to Chemicals


Long-term exposure to friction from other objects can also cause S925 silver to lose its shine and turn black. How to prevent friction is to Store S925 silver jewelry separately to avoid impact and friction with other objects.

See more: How to identify real silver

The most effective way to polish S925 silver

Although S925 silver can darken over time, fortunately there are many ways to re-polish the surface of this material.

Use special cleaning solution

Use a specialized cleaning solution to clean S925 silver. This type of solution usually contains active ingredients that help remove oxidation and clean the surface.

How to polish 925 silver

DIY Solution Recipe

  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup hot water
  • 1 sheet of aluminum foil
  • 1 cup boiling water

Use a soft cloth and polish remover.

Use a soft cloth to gently wipe the S925 silver surface after cleaning. Then, you can use a specialized polishing agent or use natural ingredients such as baking soda to brighten the surface.

How to naturally shine

  • Mix baking soda with water to form a thick paste.
  • Apply the mixture to the S925 silver surface and wipe gently with a soft cloth.
  • Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

How to preserve S925 silver?

To keep S925 silver looking its best and avoid blackening, proper storage is important. Store S925 silver in an airtight container or anti-oxygen bag to reduce exposure to air and corrosive substances.

How to preserve 925 silver?

Storage after use:

  • Dry jewelry after use to remove sweat and grease.
  • Store jewelry separately to avoid impact and friction.

Compare S925 silver with other materials

When choosing to buy jewelry, some people often hesitate between S925 silver and other materials such as 999 silver, gold, white gold or stainless steel. Below is a comparison table to help you better understand the characteristics of each material.

Material Type





S925 Silver



Beautiful, affordable

May darken over time.

Silver 999



Non-irritating to skin, durable



Very high


Luxury, high value

Expensive, easily scratched

White gold

Very high


Beautiful, stylish

Expensive, requires maintenance

Stainless steel

Very high


Durable, does not blacken

No natural beauty

In this article, we have learned about whether S925 silver turns black and how to prevent and solve this problem. Proper storage and use of S925 silver will help your jewelry retain its original beauty and avoid oxidation and blackening. Hopefully, the information in the article has helped you better understand this problem and find effective solutions.

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